Sober Summertime

Summertime is here, and you’ve probably already been invited to several parties and get-togethers where friends and family may be celebrating with drugs or alcohol. This can make sobriety difficult.

To avoid a relapse, use summer to deepen your recovery by engaging in fun activities that improve your well-being, relationships, and community. Making new memories this season will help you turn summertime fun into long-lasting inspiration to stay sober for years to come.

Here are a few ideas for staying sober this summer and avoiding a relapse.

  • Hop in your car and go for a day trip to explore the areas around you.
  • Buy a canvas at your local craft store and create a painting. Not artistically inclined? Make a collage with your favorite colors.
  • Take someone special out for ice cream
  • Start a summer journal by documenting your daily activities
  • Volunteer at the local animal shelter or food bank
  • Visit your local farmer’s market
  • Check out local parks and/or nature trails
  • Paint a room in your house a different color
  • Bake something or try a new recipe to share with friends
  • Invite friends over for a spa day
  • Plant an herb garden in containers or real dirt to spice up your recipes
  • Try a new workout or meditation mantra
  • Don’t forget to rest – take a nap!

Whatever you decide to do this summer, make sure you have enough ideas in your back pocket to keep your mind off using and relapsing. If you find yourself struggling this season, Crossroads is here to help you. Contact us for support and assistance at 800-805-6989.